Thanks for Stopping By . . .

I’m Tom Gentry. Welcome to The Manifest.

You may already know me or know some things about me. Here, in this place, you can learn more – you can know more of me. My commitment to you, if you follow me here, is that I will show up. I will give of myself. Whatever I publish here will be a true and genuine reflection of me.

I used this title for a simple reason, which will become clear over time. Until then, think of it this way. We’re here together, on a vessel, setting off toward a better place. You’re on the manifest.

I love that on this platform is that I can do whatever I want. I can write about whatever I want. I can write about the people and the things I love. I can write about what troubles me in this world. I can share my thoughts and experience by writing about some lessons I’ve learned in life.

I have some stories I want to tell, but not to just anyone. I can tell them here and have an idea whose eyes my words appear before. The eyes of a community...

Whatever I write here or say here, the purpose will be two-fold – to, in some small way, make your life a little better, and, in doing so, to know myself better.

Whatever brings you here ‒ where my life, my work, my heart and soul, my Self, with a capital S, is brought forth and made manifest ‒ I’m glad you made it.

Thank you for coming. I hope you stay, and together, we become something bigger and better than we could be alone.


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Tom Gentry is a writer who works with families affected by addiction. In his men's groups, he focuses on the relationship with self. As a consultant and coach, he helps men find long-term recovery, and helps families find care for their loved ones.