The Boundaries Blueprint
This week, I published this little ebook on Amazon. It's available at no charge to Kindle Unlimited subscribers.
The Boundaries Blueprint is a visualization designed to help the reader begin to see how they manage close relationships.
Why does interpersonal conflict exist with a particular person?
Who is too close?
Who should be closer?
These are all questions The Boundaries Blueprint can help the reader answer.
Pertaining to relationships, a boundary is a line between one person and another. It represents what one person is or is not willing to allow or accept from someone else in their interactions. This includes both physical touch and emotional intimacy, or closeness. Think of what type and level of access to a person one has or should have.
The Boundaries Blueprint will help the reader understand their role in difficult relationships, help them envision improvement, and empower them to take action toward better, healthier, more satisfying interactions with the people in their lives. This begins by seeing our relationships as they are, in order to transform them into the relationships we long for them to be.
Finally, please follow me on Amazon. Find my author profile by clicking the link.
Thanks. -tg
© Copyright 2023, Tom Gentry; Music: E Blues slop more, by acinet, edited for use, with permission from the artist, under a Creative Commons license. Cover photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash.
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